Saturday, February 7, 2015

Osaka, Japan (Day 5: Kuromon Market, Den-Den Town, Shinsekai and more)

Kuromon Market

Our 5th day was probably our busiest and most productive during this trip. I invited my siblings to tour the other places in my Osaka list.

Kuromon Market

Kuromon Market

We woke up a bit late but we were just in time for our first stop - Kuromon Market. You can have them prepare anything that's sold here and the prices are also cheaper than ordering in a restaurant. This is definitely a must-visit!

Kuromon Market

Kuromon Market

I am a certified seafood lover and walking around every stall is already a treat for me.

Kobe beef

The first thing we tried was kobe beef. It literally melts in your mouth!

Abalone sashimi

Boiled baby abalone

We also tried some fresh abalone done sashimi-style and some smaller ones that we asked them to boil. Before we left, we also passed by a small stall that sells okonomiyaki. It was delicious!

Den Den Town

From the Kuromon Market, we kept walking straight ahead towards Nipponbashi (also known as Den Den Town). If you're into manga and toys, this is the place for you. There are also several big stores that sell electronics. We are not really into the whole manga scene so we just ended up checking one of the electronic shops.


We walked further down and reached our next destination - Shinsekai. This is an old neighborhood built after World War II. The place has a very vintage feel to it. On the far end of this strip is the Tsutenkaku Tower.

Tsutenkaku Tower in Shinsekai

In one of the stores, we tried some Japanese green tea. We ended up staying here and talking to the shop owners. I will never forget their hospitality. They even gave us some teaware as gifts!

Japanese tea shop in Shinsekai

Japanese tea shop in Shinsekai

From Shinsekai, we took a train to Tenjinbashi-suji. This area is known for it's 2.6 km long shopping street. We've been walking the whole day already! We actually tried to walk the whole stretch but it felt like eternity.


It was already nighttime when we left Tenjinbashi-suji so we decided to return to Umeda.

Umeda disrict at night

From the Osaka station, we decided to drop by one last stop. We went to Yodobashi Umeda. This is a building that's dedicated to electronics. We went to the floor that sells camera and accessories. There's a section where you can develop your photos on-the-go. They had booths where you just place your memory card and edit it from there. You then submit the photo and wait to receive your developed photo from the counter. I had one picture developed to try it out!

Yodobashi Umeda

For dinner, we were finally able to eat at a revolving sushi bar! What a good way to end our day!

Salmon and scallop sushi

Crab leg sushi

I wanted to pat myself at the back and give myself two thumbs up. Well done for Day 5!

Osaka, Japan (Day 6: Shitennoji Temple, Osaka Castle, Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan and more)

- Just Another Day

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