Thursday, February 12, 2015

China Trip - Xian/Jiuzhaigou (Day 3: Terracotta Army)

The 3rd day marks our last day in Xi'an. Today, we will be visiting a must-see attraction in this region - the Terracotta Army. From the city's capital, we went to the main station where several buses can take you there.

One of the pits

The complex is comprised of a park and several excavation pits. You can also visit the nearby Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor. Unfortunately, we did not get the chance to visit his tomb.

Entering pit one

We first visited pit one which is the most popular. It contains the Terracotta warriors. Visiting Xi'an and seeing these sculptures in person is one of the things in my travel bucket list. Behold...

Terracotta Army

In terms of size, pit one is really huge. The enclosure contains Emperor Chin's army all lined-up together. I was really impressed! 

Terracotta Army

On the downside, the amount of tourists was a deterrent for me to fully enjoy the grandeur of this place. I had a difficult time taking a decent shot with the huge number of tourists flocking pit one.

Terracotta Army

We also visited another pit which also contained other sculptures.

Chariot horse

For some reason, I ended up with mixed emotions after visiting this place. It was impressive but the emotional attachment was not there for me. I did not have the same awesome feeling when I first saw the Eiffel Tower or Angkor Wat. Maybe I'm just tired or maybe I just wanted this whole place for my own. Who knows...

An artisan of some sort

From our Terracotta Army visit, we headed back to our hotel to pick-up our luggage. We then rode a hired van to bring us to our next stop - Jiuzhaigou. Travel time took several hours. We reached the foot of Jiuzhaigou around night time. Time to rest!

China Trip - Jiuzhaigou (Day 4: Jiuzhaigou Valley National Park)

- Just Another Wanderer

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