Saturday, January 31, 2015

Cebu (Part II: Cebu City, Henry Hotel)

Our trip to Bantayan Island is one for the keeps! However, it was time to return to Cebu City. The travel time coming back took longer for some reason. On top of the that, it suddenly rained when we just arrived at the North Bus Terminal.

Henry Hotel

Henry Hotel

Henry Hotel

We headed straight for check-in at Henry Hotel. This establishment is fairly new and I have seen a lot of good reviews about this hip establishment. The place is managed by a hospitality group which is evident with the staffs who look very young and eager. 

(By the time I'm writing this post, I recently discovered that they opened another Henry Hotel in Pasay, Manila)

Large room at Henry Hotel

Large room at Henry Hotel

We booked a Large Room which was very spacious already. The only comment I have is the dining area (or table) located at the back of the bed. There were no lighting fixtures of any sort which we found very dark when eating.

Chapel of San Pedro Calungsod

Tired from our island excursion, we took a quick siesta before heading out again. Since we just visited Cebu a few years back, we only visited a few places where we haven't been to this time. Our first stop was the Chapel of San Pedro Calungsod. There was already an ongoing mass so we headed to the prayer room.

Ibiza Beach Club

It was already nighttime when we left so we decided to go straight to the newly-renovated Mövenpick Cebu (previously Hilton Cebu). We were just supposed to check out Ibiza Beach Club but we actually ended up having dinner and grabbing drinks after. Before midnight, we decided to return to our hotel.

1730 Jesuit House
1730 Jesuit House

Our last day in Cebu was something I was looking forward to. Our first stop was to check the 1730 Jesuit House. The place is full of culture and history apart hidden inside the still operating hardware warehouse. Apart from the guide, we were fortunate enough to talk to the owner, Mr. Sy, who shared stories about his antique collection. He even played his rare old-school vinyl jukebox. This place is a must-visit if you're into historical and nostalgic things.

1730 Jesuit House

To cap off our trip, we had early dinner at Abaca Boutique Resort. Though we didn't have any reservations, we were able to get a couch table with the nearest view of the sea. I always wanted to stay at this resort but I have never been able to due to the hefty prices of their rooms. I guess, trying their restaurant is the closing thing for the meantime.

Headed to Mactan Airport

It was raining so strong just when our dinner ended. Thank god the resort was nice enough to call us a cab. While on our way to the airport, we were actually contemplating to check-in at Abaca if our flight got cancelled. Luckily, the rain suddenly stopped and our flight departed on time. That was a good-bad scenario for us! Maybe, I can get to stay there when I return to Cebu (for the 3rd time).

Next time... Camotes Island and Oslob...

- Just Another Wanderer

Friday, January 23, 2015

Cebu (Part I: Bantayan Island, Virgin Island)

Bantayan Island has been dubbed one of the best beach places you will see in the Philippines. It is also said that it can rival that of Boracay with the perks of having a non-existent commercial vibe to the island. I've been planning for years to visit this place but there was always something that hindered me from getting here. Case in point was the tragic typhoon that struck our country last 2013 which largely affected the Visayas region. As a result, we took it off our list and went elsewhere.

Headed to Cebu

Come by 2014, we again re-considered coming back. I already had an itinerary (for years) but the trip just never materialized. After a few inquiries here and there, we were assured that the island has recovered. Finally, we were set to visit one of the must-sees in my bucket-list! 

Ferry from Hagnaya to Santa Fe

Getting there: Take a flight via Cebu Pacific from Manila to Cebu. (Like 70% of the time, our flight was again delayed which added much to our frustration). Once you reach Mactan Airport, take a cab and head straight to the North Bus Terminal near SM. Get the bus headed to Hagnaya Port. It will take between 4-5 hours before you reach the port. Once you're at the docks, take a ferry headed to Santa Fe (in Bantayan Island). This will take another 45 minutes to an hour before you reach the island.

Bantayan Island

Once we reached the island, the staff from Anika Island Resort picked us up from the pier. They have been in contact with us even before we boarded our plane. Those simple gestures really made a big difference. Since we were here for the beach, we booked their Ocean View Room. Best view in the house!

Anika Island Resort

View from our room

Our first day was more of a relaxed day. It was late in the afternoon when we arrived so all we did was check the beach and chilled by the veranda at night. We hanged out by the veranda until it was time to rest.

Bantayan Island

We didn't catch the sunrise during our second day because the weather was quite gloomy. From morning until afternoon, the rain was pouring really hard. Since we were already at Bantayan Island, we tried our best to make the most of this trip. When the rain subsided a bit, we pushed through with our trip to Virgin Island. We brought our rain gear and a few bottles of beer to keep ourselves dry and warm.

Boat ride to Virgin Island

Contrary to its name, Virgin Island is privately owned. The island has an entrance fee and you have to pay if you want to use any of their amenities. Though we would've preferred the island to be more bare, it is quite well-maintained.

Virgin Island

Virgin Island

Virgin Island

It rained throughout the whole day (but the rain did stop for a few minutes) when we were at Virgin Island. Due to the mostly bad weather, we had the whole island to ourselves. After our island excursion, we were so tired that we didn't even make it to dinner time.

Bantayan Island

Bantayan Island

During our last day, the weather was better and we were lucky enough to catch the sunrise. I wasn't able to take a lot of photos since I took a video of the sunrise. The sunrise is absolutely more stunning in person.

Our island trip ended with an early checkout after breakfast as we still had one more night in Cebu City. The ride going back seemed to take longer and it was not as comfortable as getting to the island. And yes, it rained again when we reached Cebu City. I guess this was part of the whole experience. Hate it or love it!

Bantayan Island

Bantayan Island is what I exactly expected. I wish we could have stayed longer as we did not really wander around due to the bad weather. Maybe next time!

Head to Cebu (Part II: Cebu City, Henry Hotel)

- Just Another Wanderer

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Bali, Indonesia (Part VII: Ossotel, Boron Blue Driver)


As mentioned in Part VI, our stay in Legian would not have been complete without Ossotel. Our stay here may have been shortlived but I'll try my best to feature as much about this place.


Located in the busy area of Legian, Ossotel is a fairly new establishment catered to the young crowd. Just like our stay in Brown Feather, this was an awesome find for us. We have read a lot of negative reviews about the Legian and Kuta area so we had to make sure that we stayed in a good place.


From the moment you step foot, the place has a very hip but cozy feel to it. This can be seen all throughout the establishment

Deluxe Pool Room


Apart from their suites, all rooms are streamlined with the only difference that the rooms located in the first floor provide direct access to their pool. Since it was already our last day, we decided to get this room type. Access is literally a few steps away.

Beach access

Beach access

If you want to hit the beach, they have a direct access at the back. You have to walk through a small alley for around 5-10 minutes before reaching Legian beach.

Ossotel's Romeos Restaurant & Bar

Since we had to leave before sunrise the next morning, their staff was nice enough to pack our inclusive breakfast. They even called us during our wake-up time. These small touches really made us want to stay longer at this place.

Our car during the trip

Before I forget, I would also like to give a shout out to our driver Boron who made our Bali trip awesome! He made our trip very convenient and would often go out of his way. The small chit chats were also a big bonus as we learned more about Indonesia and Bali from a local standpoint. Again, thank you and we hope to see you again in the future!

For those who would like to contact Boron, just search Boron Blue Driver on Facebook.

- Just Another Wanderer

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Bali, Indonesia (Part VI: Uluwatu, Jimbaran)

More Bintang for me

Our 4th day is our last full day in Bali. This time, we are moving to another place again so we first checked-out from Brown Feather. Before heading to Legian, we grabbed some quick lunch at Wah Wah Burger. Their food is quite expensive but good.

Wah Wah Burger

After our quick lunch, we headed down to check-in at our last place - Ossotel. More about this place in my last post about our Bali trip.

Ossotel Hotel

Before heading out, we decided to check the Legian Beach area. The beach is similar to Seminyak Beach with the difference of having light-brown sand here. I prefer this beach better than the one in Seminyak. Beach bumming and water activities are more prevalent around this area.

Legian Beach

After, we headed straight to our last destination - Uluwatu Temple. It took us awhile to get to this area but it was worth it!

Stone cliffs at Uluwatu Temple

Stone cliffs at Uluwatu Temple

Uluwatu Temple is situated along a cliff which required walking. There's one area there without a concrete trail. It was nice to just relax and catch the sunset while you hear the waves crash along the cliffs.

Couple at Uluwatu Temple

Since we were running out of time, we did not wait for the Kecak Fire Dance. Heard some good reviews about it so you may want wait for the show.

Uluwatu Temple

For our last dinner (and sunset view), we headed to Jimbaran for a seafood feast. This area is well-known for their seafood restaurants. You can choose your own seafood and have it cooked the way you like. As the area suggests, it is a touristy spot so the prices can become expensive.

Sundown at Jimbaran

Despite the deep hole in my pocket, the food was great and the view was really nice! We were also fortunate to get a table nearest to the shore so our sunset view was unobstructed.

Dinner at Jimbaran

We then headed back to the Kuta/Legian area to do some last minute shopping. This was the only time we went to the more commercialized district. Probably something you can do as well (if you're into shopping) when you visit Bali.

Some well-known international brands in Kuta area

I did not want to sleep when we returned back to Ossotel since it was our last day already. I even drank some of the Bintang I bought to busy and keep myself awake. But fatigue took over and I slept the last few hours before we departed.

Ngurah Rai International Airport

This caps off our wonderful Bali trip. Before we decided to go here, I knew Bali did not have the best temples. I also knew Bali did not have the best white-sand beaches. Neither did I surf nor trek mountains (yet). But everyone who has been here really enjoyed and loved this place. So we took their word for it...

A heart-shape buried in the ground

From Ubud to whatever it is beyond to the more hip scene along the Seminyak area; and finally, the wonderful beaches down south.  Bali has this magical vibe that we easily fell in-love with. One must experience Bali as a whole to fully understand this place. Whatever floats your boat, Bali will be ready for you!

Wait, there's still Part VII for those who are interested to stay in Legian.

- Just Another Wanderer

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Bali, Indonesia (Part V: Potato Head, Ku De Ta, Pandawa Beach)

Entrance to Potato Head Beach Club

Day 3 means a more relaxing day for us after two days of temple touring. Our first stop was Potato Head Beach Club. Contrary to what I thought it would be like, this place has a laid back vibe to it. People were casually lounging around pool beds. We were hoping to stay around that area but it was full when we arrived.

Potato Head Beach Club

Potato Head Beach Club

Right at the back of Potato Head is Seminyak Beach. It is a long sandy beach connecting Legian, Seminyak and Kuta. Unlike other beach lines, you can only see a few resorts along the front. There were only a few tourists along the beach. The sand is more on the darkish-grey color and the water is bluish-green. 

Seminyak Beach

Seminyak Beach
Afterwards, we decided to go to a beach that our driver, Boron, has been mentioning about - Pandawa Beach. We headed to the southeastern-most part of the island to reach our next destination.

Passed by this road to Pandawa Beach

Before you reach the beach, you will pass by a road that cuts straight through the mountain. I am not certain but this seems like a quarry before the beach was discovered. Looks like it!

Pandawa Beach

We stayed at the far end of the beach as there are less people here. The place is not yet that well-known to tourists as majority of the visitors are locals.

Pandawa Beach

Bintang by the beach

Pandawa Beach

The sand is soft and almost-white in color. Water is clearer compared to the one in Seminyak Beach. We keep seeing signs not to swim though. The beach gets rocky along the shore during low tide.

The signs that says swimming is not allowed

Because this was more of a chill day for us. We decided to head back to Brown Feather after our beach excursion. For dinner, we went to a nearby place called Crab Bar. As their name suggests, they specialize in crabs cooked the way you want.

To cap off our night, we headed to Ku De Ta. Bali has really been great to us so far!

Head to Part VI for our last day in Bali.

- Just Another Wanderer